There are a number of ways to partner with the Erie City Mission.
We are able to do what we do because of the generosity and support of donors like you. Our homeless neighbors are served, the hurting are healed, and the hopeless are helped because of the compassion of our donors who support us.
Whether you can give your money, your goods, or your time – we want to partner with you!
The information presented below is not intended as professional tax or legal advice. Please consult your tax advisor for details on your specific situation.
Donate Funds
By giving a gift of any size, you are helping to provide meals, shelter, and life-changing services to those who are experiencing homelessness in Erie.
We accept gifts of cash, and checks/money orders made payable to the Erie City Mission.
Please remit to:
The Erie City Mission
PO Box 407
Erie PA 16512-0407
Make an online payment using your credit card.
Pledge Funds
Bread and Life Members
Our Bread and Life Members pledge to give monthly or quarterly, providing a steady source of hope and help to those we serve. These members guarantee that the Mission has a regular, dependable source of income all year round. Lives are changed with each Bread and Life pledge we receive.
As a Bread and Life Member, you will receive pledge reminders, and updates on how your gifts are helping.
Partner Circle Members
Our Partner Circle Members pledge to give a minimum of $2,000 per year. These members are recognized as our most committed donors, understanding the importance of the Mission's programs and services to the community.
As a Partner Circle Member, you will receive pledge reminders, and updates on how your gifts are helping.
Planned Giving
By partnering with the Erie City Mission, you guarantee that our programs and services will continue to meet the needs of countless individuals.
When you make a planned gift to the Erie City Mission, you are
creating a legacy of hope. Planned gifts offer a unique opportunity to
give to causes--like the Mission--that are important to individuals and
their community.
Some of the simplest ways to give:
Will or bequest. Make a bequest of a dollar amount, specific property, a percentage of your estate, or the remainder of your estate after taking care of your loved ones.
Life Insurance. Make the Erie City Mission a beneficiary of all or part of a life insurance policy. You may receive a tax deduction for the cash surrender value, reducing your income tax liability in the year of the gift.
Retirement Account. Designate the Erie City Mission as a beneficiary and receive significant estate tax savings. This is a tax-efficient way to make a gift because of the income tax savings and charitable deduction allowed your estate.
Stock, Bonds, or Mutual Funds. Appreciated stock, held for more than one year, makes an excellent charitable gift. You can avoid capital gains taxes and receive a tax deduction for the full fair market value of the gift. Bonds and mutual funds are similar to appreciated stock in their tax treatment. State, municipal, and U.S. government bonds are welcomed.
Endowment Fund
Support the Mission by making a gift to the Erie City Mission Endowment at The Erie Community Foundation. For information on how to donate to this fund, please contact The Erie Community Foundation (814-454-0843).
Corporate Matching
Maximize your contribution to the Erie City Mission through matching gifts from your employer. In many cases, an employee's personal support for the Mission is increased exponentially with the help of a corporate matching program.
Contact your HR representative to find out if your employer provides corporate matching.
Donate Goods
We greatly appreciate gently used, like new, donated goods - subject to acceptance.
Used cars and trucks can be donated, as well.
Goods can be dropped off at our Donation Center which is located at 2064 West 16th Street.
We will gladly pick up your items at your home or office. Please contact our Donation Center to schedule a pickup.
View a list of the items we need most at the Mission.
Third-Party Fundraisers
Many supporters, donors, and partners choose to hold their own fundraisers and item collections for the Erie City Mission. Third-party fundraisers play a significant role in showcasing the life-saving programs and services that the Mission has to offer, as well as helping the Mission raise additional funds.
Anyone interested in supporting the Mission through a third-party fundraiser must read and complete the third-party standards policy. Completed policies must be submitted to the Erie City Mission, Development Department, for review and approval before the project begins.
Special Event Sponsors
The Erie City Mission hosts two major fundraising events throughout the year, our Annual Banquet (Oct.) and Knockout Homelessness (Feb.).
Sponsorship opportunities for both fundraisers are available to
individuals, businesses, and organizations looking to support the
Mission. Sponsorships include promotional and advertising opportunities.
Ask how you can become a sponsor today!
Live Auctions and Raffles
Donations toward our fundraising events can be made year round.
donating a basket, gift card, or single item that can accompany a
basket, to be included in one of our live auctions or raffles.
Contact our main office at 814/452-4421 for information on how to donate these items.

Erin Layden
Director of Development
814-452-4421 x234
Email Erin