In 1911

a group of community leaders--who cared enough about the crushing burden
of hunger, homelessness, and addiction--rolled-up their sleeves and
organized the Erie City Mission.
For over a century, the Erie City Mission has helped those impacted by the effects of addictions, poverty, homelessness, and lack of hope. Through five quality programs, the Mission has successfully met both immediate and long-term challenges of those in greatest need.
The Mission has endured through two world wars, an international depression, many foreign war conflicts, and numerous recessions. Dedicated staff, financial donors, and volunteers have kept the doors open to meet the ongoing spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of thousands of people.

An Extended History
The Erie City Mission's roots are founded in the ministry of Billy Sunday, the famous early 20th century evangelist. Sunday had a promising professional baseball career in the 1880s with the Chicago White Stockings and the Pittsburgh Alleghenys. However, because of a conversion experience, he turned his focus to ministry as a traveling evangelist. His rallies sparked the creation of a Christian social outreach project known today as the Erie City Mission.
Opening its doors in 1911 at its original location on 12th and Peach Streets, the Mission shared the gospel and provided music, food, and clothing to those in need, establishing itself as one of the most important social outreach centers in the city of Erie.
In the 1920s, the Bessemer Railroad Company bought the building,
forcing the Mission to relocate to a retail building on East 9th Street,
between State and French Streets. As a result of expanded outreach
services and increased demand, the Mission relocated two more times (1117 Peach Street and 150 East 9th Street) before finding its permanent residence in 1978 at 1017 French Street.